Thursday, June 29, 2006

+ k|dS AgA|n +

How would you define a good kid and a bad kid?
This is a question which i finally come up with after gathering many many instances from people whom i believed that, once this question is solved, will benefit many people.

Sidetrack just for your infomation:
Like for a scientist, most of the time, he'll have an idea popped up, a theory formed, THEN he'll do extensive research and experiment to prove his theory. Seldom will there be a theory formed out of observing many failed experiments, though that's how aeroplanes came out. The theory of Aerodynamics are formed out of the many experiments by the Wright Brothers.

Anyway, back to the kids topic. How would one define a good kid?

From the societal level, in the past, the most an average parent would hope from his kid to be good, was for him not to get into bad company, not getting into unnecessary fights, not stealing/robbing/taking drugs, and if he would finish his education properly and find a job with a stable income and start a family, that would be a bonus.

Now, from my observations, a kid who merely refuses to finish his homework after school, and/or watch tv all day, and/or rebut his parents' nags or lecturings, but otherwise is a well-behaved kid in school and/or in public, is labelled a very naughty, or, "Bad kid".

Is that really so? Just because a kid doesn't follow "the rules", they are bad?

How about another kid who is very filial, do all his homework, helps out with housework, listens and behaves himself before his parents, never letting them worry for him, but in school, he cheats during tests, bully others, get into fights, schemed against others, being rude to anyone and not behaving properly in public.

How is he labelled then?

Reducing the scope to family level of nowadays, further simplifying, a kid who is well-behaved in school, in public, but is rude only to his parents and doesn't, and never want to do as they told him to? Vice versa, a filial and well-behaved kid in front of his parents, but create havoc once out of his house, out of his parents' sight?

In another case, a kid follows every rule there is in the legal law, every rule written in the school booklet, do everything he is told, but he does everything half-heartedly, thus most of the times, things don't turn out right. So is he still a good kid?

Do not think that the above descriptions are purely examples out of a concept. Nope. There are real-life people whom I know are like these, maybe even including myself.

I know, in the bible and many other religious teachings, cultural teachings, there will always be a number rule to being a good kid: Being filial, not letting your parents worry for you.

Now on a personal level, do you think you are a good kid?
Getting good grades, doing everything they told you to, staying at home everyday so that they will not worry about you creating havoc or turning bad outside, not talking back to them? Is that all? Is that really all it takes to be labelled "Good kid"?

So does it include showing concern for them, sharing their problems or happiness, bonding?

I had a friend who once told me, he did everything he was expected to do as an obedient kid. He stayed at home everyday, had all his meals at home, run errands for his parents and keep his own room. But he felt he was a bad son, because he hardly ever communicate with his parents. Instead, he felt his brother was a better son. His brother went out almost every day till very late night. But at times he would accompany his parents overseas or shopping.
So who is the good kid, and who is the bad kid?

Another friend, he always had good grades, and at times when his parents had any doubts or need any troubleshooting, they would consult him and he would always share his views and good advice. But otherwise he would either play computer games whole day, or go out with his friends, making his parents worry for his health many a times. But overall he had a better relationship with his parents than his sister had. His sister always stayed at home and helped with the housework and the errands. But she always quarrelled with her parents, upsetting them a lot.
So now, in this case, who is the good kid, and who is the bad kid?

Out of all the instances given above, what can you conclude? Do not tell me that to be a good kid, just do all the good conducts mentioned and throwing away all vices. Because no one is perfect. Though I've known one to be like that, but generally, no one can achieve that.

So can anyone tell me, what is the definition of being a good kid and a bad kid?

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

+ FaCt oR CrAp? +

Natural body fats are said to keep bodies warm. So why are some fat people still afraid of the cold, or feels cold easily?

Conclusion: Two reasons why people feel cold.
Either they have no fats, or they have big pores.

Friday, June 09, 2006

+ sTaRs c0uNt|inG +

On the plane, midnight,
Mrs Li woke up from her sleep and saw her son who was sitting by the window, still awake.

Mrs Li: Son, why aren't you sleeping yet? We have a long day ahead.
Son: Mum, I'm counting stars.
Mrs Li (leans over and peers out of the window for 1 second) : So dark, can see meh? Go and sleep now lah. Tomorrow when the sun is out then count lo....
Son: .............

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

+ hEaRt bRoKeN +

I look beyond the window. Dark clouds fill the sky. Wind, from all directions. Very strong wind. Cold. Icy cold. Something... bad... is going to happen, yet i know, elsewhere out of this place, another person will be enjoying great fine weather. This... bad... something, will only happen to me, and me only.

Now I remember. When one gains something, he loses another. Falls only on me. How can I forget that? I can never have the best of both worlds.

Pushing against the door, I step out. Rain has fallen, but I do not feel droplets. As if a dam somewhere has broken, a huge wave of water sweeps upon me, drenching and chilling me right to the deepest of my bones, and soul. And I hear cracking sounds. Many. Soft and Loud. And suddenly, loud chinking sounds, as if a basket of beads has dropped, the beads bouncing and rolling on the floor.

Trembling, I wait, as the sound of the last bead bounces to a stop... Tut, tut, tut....... In the midst of the chills, something warms my face. And with the hot tears flowing down my cheeks, I look at the floor. Nothing is there, yet, vaguely, it is as if i see, millions of tiny pieces of..... a heart. Yes, all these tiny pieces seem to make up a heart. But whose heart?

Involuntarily, my hand places itself to the left of my chest.... a sour feeling, a little achy, and then nothing. It is a void. Then I realise, spewed all over the floor of my mind, is millions of bits and pieces, of my heart.

A broken, a shattered heart.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

+ ReSuRReCt|oN +

Ever since i was crashed by Reinforced Concrete, I've been hovering around, as my body lies in the intensive care unit, fighting for breaths. And i was waiting for the Judgement Day to see if I can return to my body. Unfortunately, no one knows when that Day is.

Until yesterday, while i was floating above a dog trying to make it see me, i heard a voice
called, "Hey gal!"

I turned, and many other souls, male and female, turned too.

"No, not you all! YOU!" my friend pointed his finger right at me.

"Yea guy! Wassup?" I inquired, mindful of the others, whose eyes remained fixed on him anyway, eager to hear what he wished to say to me.

"What are you still doing here? The Scroll has come! Hurry up and let's find out!"

THE SCROLL! The scroll that decides our Fate!

"Really!? It's the~~"
*WHOOSH!* Suddenly a strong gush of wind flew past and i was caught in the turbulences and eddy currents with my hair all over my face. When i finally untangled all my hair and looked properly around, everyone was gone! All of them must have dashed to the arena for the judgement of the Scroll, and in the process dragging my friend along! P00r guy... He told me before he wished to be the last to know his judgement.

Well, since everyone was fighting to be the first to know, the arena must be very congested. I might as well take my time. It's either I'm returning to the mortal world, or going up as angel, or going down as...... (taboo). Therefore knowing I won't remain in this World of Uncertainty, I visited Moaning Mytle in Hogwarts, then the Black Mountains for Xiao Qian, and bade farewell to Casper, before being on my way.

As soon as it seemed, it was my turn. As I knelt before the Scroll, I was so nervous i was almost knocked out cold! A voice boomed, " ABRAACCCABRRRBBACABRACRACABARA...... As it is, I declared you..... LIVE!"

OMG!! What did I hear?? What did it say?? The world suddenly spinned and all the memories of my life flashed past me and.... AND.....

"Why do you take SO LONG? I've been waiting for ages!"

Huh? I opened my eyes and saw my friend who had informed me of the arrival of the Scroll, folding his arms and looking very pissed. "Come ON! Don't fall into a daze! Let's go seek out the others!" And he started walking, dragging me along.

"Are... are you an angel now or am I a.....?" I still can't believe my eyes.

"What? You are a HUMAN! We've all been resurrected! GET IT!?"

OH! WE've ALL BEEN RESURRECTED!!! GOODNESS! THANK YOU HEAVENS and all of you who had blessed me and all of us with LUCK! I CAN'T GIVE THANKS ENOUGH!! This is so amazing!!


Saturday, June 03, 2006

+ dEsT|nY +

The choices we make, mark our Destiny.

Long ago, when Harry Potter first came to Hogwarts, the Sorting Hat told him, given his abilities, he would have done well in Slytherin as much as he would in Gryffindor. Yet Harry kept asking the Hat to put him in Gryffindor. As such, he was granted his wish.

However, along the way, he was quite bothered by it. Did he ever make the wrong choice? Was the Sorting Hat right, that he really should belong to Slytherin? Especially when he saw in himself some qualities that were in Lord Voldemort, who was in Slytherin?

But in one instance, Professor Dumbledore asked him, "Why then, did the Sorting Hat place you in Gryffindor?"

"Because I asked it to."

"Exactly! It is not out of ability that shows what we truly are, it is our choices."

There you are. Harry could have done well, in different ways, both in Slytherin or in Gryffindor. But he CHOSE Gryffindor. And that made the difference. And that made his Destiny. And that, made him a TRUE Gryffindor.

There is another drama that i caught recently. This man, he was a promising young doctor, excellent in his medical skills. In his greed for wealth, he became a businessman. And surprisingly, he was a very successful one. Now, he had the brains for being a doctor, and he had the flair for being a businessman too. He could do well in either. Who would tell him what is his destiny to be, a doctor, or a businessman?

His destiny lies in his choice. If he chose to be a doctor, he will be a famous doctor. If he chose to be a businessman, he will make a successful businessman. And that would be his destiny.

One week ago, like Harry, I also faced 2 paths out of my abilities, the paths that would lead me to my Destiny. And, many odds against me, I'd made my choice. Was it a wrong one or not, it no longer matters. What matters is, what will go on from here?

Everything that depends on Destiny, Fate, Me.