Friday, November 25, 2005

+ nEw BeG|nn|nG +

New day! New Beginning! New skin!
Old ME!

Is this skin ok?? Better?? Worse?? Dull?? Feedback please!!!
Because some said the previous one was actually very not reader friendly.
Is this better now?

Actually i quite like this new skin.
Simple and nice. And full of mOO-mOOs!
Just the way I like it!! YAY!!!

Maybe this skin looks a bit plain, but that's me mah! I'm a plain gal in plain clothes. But more importantly, is my life as plain? or is it plain interesting? It's up to me to fill it in!!

Will this represent a new start? Am I able to shrug off the shadows of yesterday, and face tomorrow with strength? Will things go smoothly for me from now on?
I know, it's all up to me.

Why is Palmistry so accurate?

Because YOU hold your own DESTINY!!!
That's right! You decide where you go! I decide where I go! And I shall walk down that path with no regrets! So stop following me ok?? haha I'm starting to crap liaoz...

The future is full of Hope! Even if there is only one day left, I must still live it to the FULLEST! Hey You! Come on! Life is just beginning! We are and must be full of ENERGY!!!

Every Tomorrow will be a better day, bright and full of sunshine! :D

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