Friday, April 15, 2005

+ twIst +

+ twIst +

Ever had a day where, when things seem to be picking up and life starts to get better, everything juz simply fall apart, all in one day?

Parents seem so understanding recently,
only to pick on you for not putting your socks away.

Friends may be few, but close enough to brave through storms.
Yet no one picks up the phone, when you need them the most.

Boss is a kindhearted soul who talks and laughs with you.
But you, silly muddled head, misplaced a thing of his and he got the blame.

Teacher is a man of patience and care,
and you failed his subject because you wouldn't give a damn.

Dreams are getting clearer and nearer because you work hard,
until someone comes along and gives a bad comment, that throws you back into the dark.

Life is all a twist.
Up and down, down and up.
Is today the worst a day can get?
Or more bad things are to come yet.

Believe in yourself, believe in your dreams.
Believe some day you will meet your Prince Charming.
Rainbows come out not after a storm,
but when the sun has finally shine once more.

Today may be bad, tomorrow might be worse.
But life doesn't stop, so dry up your tears.
Do not fear, do not dishearten.
Pick yourself up from where you have fallen.

Walk on bravely, Life will get better.
Better, worse... worse, better...
Life is just a weird cycle!

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