Saturday, May 13, 2006

+ |d vs EP +

Indecisive vs Easily Persuaded

I realised that being indecisive does not mean being easily persuaded.
On the contrary, it may even be opposite. Precisely that one is being indecisive, all the more he is not easily persuaded.

Say given in one situation, on the assumption that neither has any preference prior to the situation, 2 persons, A(a decisive person) & B(an indecisive person), are presented with 2 choices: C & D

Third person E wants to get both A and B to choose choice D. Therefore he tells them the pros and cons of choices C and D, and empathsizes on the advantages of choosing D.

A, being a very decisive person, on hearing of the greater advantage from choosing D, he decided to choose D, and that's it.

B, being a very indecisive person, makes no move yet. Seeing B's hesitation, E proceeded to persuade B on the advantages of choosing D and disadvantages of choosing C. E even spot on B's weakness and used it to further persuade him to choose D.

B, still being very indecisive, decide not to make a choice yet. He does more researches on his own about the 2 choices, taking his own sweet time to juggle the pros and cons of the 2 choices, taking what E said into consideration, and also bearing in mind what he had found out on his own.

E, seeing that B is so indecisive, and getting more indecisive, believes that B is easy prey, and that sooner or later, with further persuasion from him, B will choose choice D.

But in the end, what B chose will be what he decided is the best for himself.

I will not say which choice is the better of the two, nor reveal what B eventually choose.

I just want to say:
A, being a decisive person, will judge things based on what he heard there and then. Given the limited information for consideration, he would naturally choose what seems the best at that instant. Which is not a bad thing except that he is more easily persuaded than B.

B, being indecisive, will take a long time to weigh the pros and cons, and decide on which is best for himself. If he is convinced the other choice is better than what he is persuaded to choose, he will still choose the former. Hence he is less easily persuaded.

There is no right no wrong, no good no bad.
Everything, the choices and the consequences, depends on the situation and character of the person.
However, never assume that all indecisive people are easily persuaded. You may want to shift your targets to those decisive ones instead.

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