Monday, March 14, 2005

+ r|gHt oR wRoNg +

+ rIgHt oR wRoNg +

What kind of things one says at what kind of time usually has different kind of impact. The ideal kind of course would be to say the right things at the right time. This kind of people will give others a sense of maturity which would attract people to them. After all, if ever anyone needs consolation, or striking up topics with strangers, it will come in handy. Another kind is to say the right things at the wrong time. This kind would probably push a mood to an extreme. If someone is already feeling low, and you still have to say some harsh words to him even if you are correct, it will only aggravate him. Or when there is someone feeling so optimistic about something and you just have to pour a pail of cold water to dampen the spirits even though you are absolutely right... aww... that really sucks! How about saying the wrong things at the right time? This will result in outbursts of laughter! Yea.. being a clown... Whether people are laughing at your jokes or laughing at you simply because you are so brainless... it's for them to know, for you to find out. But the worse thing would be to say the wrong things at the wrong time. This is really a show of either being plain dumb or simply just childish, so people would say. The most irritating kind i suppose. Then it's best to just keep your mouth shut!

That's right! Most probably people will always yearn to be those who can always say the right things at the right time. People will feel comfortable with them, and they just get so popular. The right fashion, the right advices, the right music and the right words. Of course, there's so few who can actually achieve that! But come to think of it, to restrict saying what you really thought at that moment to just saying out the 'right' words, isn't it too pathetic? It would simply be so fake! It doesn't make him less a loser than any others! And if the whole world is full of the right people, then would just the right things happen? There will be no diversification of anything; of thinking, of speech, of actions. Life would be just plain boring. During discussions, there would be anything left to discuss about if everyone says the right things and agrees with everything said. There's only 1 point of view. Perhaps there's a need for someone to say the right things in the wrong time after all. Or how about the clown who always says the wrong things at the right time? That would certainly spice up lives. But of course, that person has to really don't mind if people are laughing AT him or WITH him. But what about the person who always say the wrong things at the wrong time? So what if he's irritating? It doesn't mean he doesn't have the right to voice out his opinions. It doesn't make him more of a loser then the others who either say the right words at the wrong time or say the wrong words at the right time. He's just another kind of person with a different personality or way of thinking that's all. Perhaps he really spotted something that's worth mentioning that just doesn't seem right at that moment, but to him it's perfectly alright? It could be that the others simply did not bother to really think deeply what is the message behind those 'wrong' words that's all!

After all, who depicts what is right and what is wrong?

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